1. Object create diagram
- Documentation
- Vidualization
- Indentify gaps and inefficiencies
* Note:
- As you create process flow chart, you want to make sure that they're simple, clean and clear. I know you can be boring to look at, and want to make them more elegant, but don't. Boring is simple and boring is easy to understand.
- Don't put the arrows until you are like 95% done with the process
- Add the title - help people understand what we're showing here (double click and typing)
- Add your name, underneath the title - help in case anybody has question about this specific in the future.
2. Symbol:
2.1. Start
- Represent: Circle or Elip
- Try to start symbol as close to the upper left hand corner of the page as possible.
- Should be upper all the symbols.
- Add color for start and end symbol.
- You should have one start symbol per process flowchart.
2.2. End
- Represent: Circle or Elip
- Try to end symbol as close to the bottom right hand corner of the page as possible.
- Should be above all the symbols.
- Add color
2.3. Sequence
- A data flow should always connect two symbols (except start and end)
- Don't cross your data flow arrows if at all possible.
- Don't use curved arrows.
2.4. Process task
- Represent squares or rectangles.
- Text is a verb and a noun. Verb is type of action pharse; Noun is person, place, thing,.. just describe at a really high level. "What's happening in the specific process task?"
Verb for process task name:
- accquire
- add
- adjudicate
- access
- calculate
- cancel
- change
- check
- conduct
- control
- delete
- determine
- indentify
- maintain
- manage
- merge
- modify
- obtain
- plan
- query
- record
- reject
- review
- roll back
- select
- specify
- dubmit
- update
- validate
- verify
2.5. Decision (Gate way)
- Represent diamond.
- Use Text not specific, should a little bit more generic
Ex: shouldn't {user name = "admin" and password = "123"}; should {Valid admin credentials}
2.6. Input/ Output
Don't use Input make you easier to design flow chart :v, Output = results.
Note: You want to make sure that your error, output have some type of description with them
Ex: Invaid credentials error| Not active membership error.
2.7. Store Data
It helps to say where data is being stored or what data is being stored.
Ex: Places: The place will explain where that is stored: P23 Back Office Database
What: What data being stored (Verb + Noun): Log Form Rejection
3. 7 steps to create a process flowchart
3.1. Understand end goal
Why are you creating this process flow chart? Becasue of document, Visualize and Indentify gaps and inefficiencies.
3.2 Determine scope
Scope is really understanding the boundary of specific process that you're looking to creat a process flow chart for.
- Indentify process to foucus on
- Define the boundaries
- Ensure scope will meet end goal
3.3 Brainstorm task:
- Meet with user of process, not management in conference room to brainstorm task.
+ Because: User = How it is done
+ Management = How it should be done
- Use sticky note for task to define specific task.
+ Place sticky note on wall or white board.
+ Move and adjust to sequence.
- Take pictures of end result for document.
3.4. Indetify Owner
- Indentify owner directly do specific task - Cross check with user to validate ownership
- Take notes of owner not included in meeting.
3.5. Arrange into sequence
- Put each step into sequence.
- Don't be afraid of making mistakes, if you think add more step or remove any step, let's ask user about it.
- Be mindful scope. Input and output from other process just need to be identify, not detailed.
3.6. Document into flowchart
- Utilize notes and pictures
- Too used is not important. You put it is in the tool when you're about 90% done, when you're got at 90% document.
3.7. Review with others
- Proofread:
+ Spelling/grammer
+ Naming convention
+ Data flow arrow
- Validate clear and concise.
- Send flowchart to stakeholder
- Gain approvals
- Make adjustment as necessary
4. Example Process Flowchart
Case 1: Insurance Claim Process
Version 1: "This process has five steps and again, we're just staying at the highest level. The first step in the process is a claim is submitted. Once we receive that claim, we go ahead and send out the necessary forms. Those forms are then completed and submitted back into our system. Once we get the forms, we go ahead and register that claim. So again, this is a really high level process. Starts with the submission of the claim. We then send the forms, they complete the forms, they send the forms back to us. And then we go ahead and register the claim. Again, thanks so much for putting this together for me. I really appreciate it. And can't wait to see the finished product."
Version 2: Here's the net changes, after a person submits a claim the first thing that we need to do, is we need to check to see if they have valid insurance. If they don't have valid insurance, we reject the claim and our processes is finished. If they do have valid insurance, then we go ahead and determine what severity that particular claim is at. So there's two different severities for the claim. Number one is a simple claim and the second is a complex claim. If it's turned out that it's a simple claim we send the simple forms to them. If it's turned out that it's a complex claim then we send the complex forms to them. Then it moves into that person completing the forms and submitting them back to us. Prior to us registering the claim, however we need to validate that the forms are actually complete. If they're not complete, then we send a rejection to them and we have them resubmit the forms. Once they've resubmitted the forms we, again check to validate they're complete, if they're not, we again reject and have them resubmit but if they are now complete we go ahead and register the claim.
Version 3: I was talkin' to the users today, and one thing that they mentioned that it would be really helpful in the flowchart if it was a little bit more explicit about when the process was generating some type of output. So there's a few points in the process that we're generated in output, and most specifically when we're sending the forms out to the customer for them to be filled out. So, I'm hoping that you'll be able to help me out and make that show a little bit more explicitly that that is an output of the process.
We got to talking about trying to make our testing procedures, we have those tests that all the employees have to do every month to stay certified in their various areas, and right now, it's all manual, so we're manually handing out these tests, and having people take them, and then collecting them, and then having to put all those results into the database.
We ultimately want to create some type of application to help handle a lot of this. We want this application to not only facilitate that task or that quiz, but also to store the results. What we're looking to have you do is create a high-level process flow chart for us so we can understand the process in which this application would need to work. This will help us validate and ensure that it's not going to be too complex.
The process that you're going to be documenting is going to be a generalized process that it's going to be starting at when we generate the quiz, so the user's already selected the quiz that they're going to take, and now, your process flow is going to start with generating that quiz. You then need to serve up questions one at a time, serve up a question, have the user answer, save that data off somewhere, so that way, we know what they answered, and then continue doing that until all questions on the quiz have been completed. Once all the questions have been answered, then, we want the quiz application to go ahead and tabulate the results based on their answers compared to the correct answers. If the user got 80% or better on the quiz, we want to send them a congratulations email that they passed. If they got less than 80% of the answers correct on the quiz, we want to send them an email that they did not pass the quiz. In either case, we want to store those results of how many they got right and wrong, and then, we can go ahead and end the process.
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